Sunday Morning
We begin our service at 10:30am. Children leave us part way through the service to go to their ‘Connect’ group (Sunday School). They have fun, play games and learn about the Bible. The Under 3’s have the use of a crèche (parents must accompany). The creche has a window and a speaker so the Church service can still be seen and heard by parents & carers.
Everyone is invited to stay for tea, coffee, squash and biscuits after the service. There is a Ministry Corner where you may seek prayer or a conversation with one of our Ministry team.
Sunday Evening
We hold Sunday evening services as announced. The service is more informal than the main Sunday morning service.
Prayer is essential in all we do at Pier Avenue Baptist Church. We have a Quiet/Prayer Room adjacent to the entrance door where you are invited to seek quiet for prayer and reflection. A Prayer Group meets every month.
Communion occurs during the first Sunday morning service each month and before every Church Meeting. We invite all those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour to join us for communion.
The Church is fitted with a hearing loop. Please adjust your hearing aid to the ‘T’ position. There is ramp access to the Church building and dedicated seating areas within the Church for wheelchair users and their family or companions. There are three disability friendly toilets on our premises – one is adjacent to the front doors of the church, the other two are in the Welcome Hall and Corridor at the rear of the premises. There is level access to the Welcome Centre Atrium and both the Welcome Hall and Fellowship Hall.